domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2015

NYC, november,1st

On our last visit to NY, saturday, November 1st., I walked along 56th Street , trying to find Patsis's , the famous Italian restaurant.
It was not a pleasant day, it rained, it was windy, so I walked with the umbrella opened, paying attention where I put my feet.
Suddenly, on my back, I listenned a father's son conversation.
It was not at all my intention to be nosy, but it was innevitable.
I listenned the father saying:
" Sorry, but I didn't get yet what's the point of buying a 10/5 snickers"
"They are so, very cheap dad", the son replies! 
" But, you are a 8/5!!!!!" , I heard the dad say! 
" And, did you realize, y'll have to wait ages for using them!?"
" But I can sell them and earn a lot of money!" the son argued!
" To whom,for Christ sake? The guy is selling you the big snickers, because there's no else interested! Don't you see ?"

Then, I finally arrived at Patsis's
I do not know if the dad made is point!
Hope so!

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